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周娟 博士
2020-09-21 15:46     (阅读:)

硕士生导师 周娟 简介




1. 国家自然科学基金项目,全双工认知无线电的位置优选研究,第一负责人,经费21万。

2.电信科学第5研究所项目,WCDMA上行信号捕获的FPGA 实现,第一负责人,经费50万。

3.电信科学第5研究所项目,WCDMA 信号接收和发射算法处理,第一负责人,经费40万。



[1] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen. Efficient scheme for attenuators and phase shifters adjustment in analogue selfinterference cancellation for full-duplex systems, IET communications, 2020, 14(16): 2716-2722, SCI检索号: 000577106700010。

[2] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Li Li, Yajuan-Xue. Efficient pilot design scheme for OFDM-based full-duplex systems, IET communications, 2020, 14(19): 3340-3349, SCI检索号: 000595799400005。

[3] Ying Shen, Juan Zhou, Youxi Tang. Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Wireless Co-time and Co-frequency Full-Duplex System+Wireless Personal Communications, 2015, 82(4): 2557-2565, SCI检索号: 000355924300038。

[4] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Youxi Tang. Optimal Antenna Location of Secondary User for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 17(9): 1746-1749, 2013, SCI检索号: 000324931900018。

[5] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Youxi Tang. Performance Analysis of Energy Detection over Composite Rayleigh and Shadowed Fading Channels. Electronics Letters, 48(20): 1309-1311, 2012. SCI检索号:000309520400040。

[6] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Shihai Shao, Youxi Tang. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme with Hard Decision Based on Location Information in Cognitive Radio Networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 71(4): 2637-2656, 2013. SCI检索号:000321923900016。

[7] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Shihai Shao, Youxi Tang. Optimal Location of the Secondary Base Station for Broadcasting Cognitive Radio Networks with Spectrum Underlay[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 75(2): 1331-1342, 2014. SCI检索号:000331829000031。

[8] Juan Zhou, Youxi Tang, Shihai Shao, Jinxiang Xia. A Real Time Power Control Method for Wireless Mobile Communications System. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Chengdu, China, 1-4, 2010.

[9] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Youxi Tang. Peak-to-Average Power-Ratio Reduction Scheme Employing Fountain Codes. Proc. ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Xian, China, 67-72, 2011.

[10] Juan Zhou, Qingqing Wu, Gong Chen, etc. Modulation Analysis in Wireless Co-time Co-frequency Full Duplex. IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology(ICCT), Chengdu, China, 2017.

[11] Juan Zhou, Ying Shen, Gong Chen, etc. Analysis of RF Channel Isolation Impact in Wireless Co-time Co-frequency Full Duplex. International Conference on Swarm Intelligence(ICSI), Chengdu, China, 2017.


[1] Juan Zhou, Ran Zhao, Huajiong Lin. Self-interference channel estimation method and device. 美国授权号:US10153921B2, 2018年12月11日;欧洲授权号:EP3163821B1,2020年5月13日。

[2] 周娟,沈莹,何梦,薛雅娟,周杨.一种基于相关能最的射频自干扰抑制方法.中国,发明专利,授权号:107346979B , 公开日:2019年7月26日。

[3] 周娟,赵然,林华炯.一种自干扰信道估计方法和设备, 授权号:105450559B ,公开日:2018年10月19日。

[4] 周娟,唐友喜.移动通信基站功率的无线测最方法及其装置.中国,发明专利,授权号:102638819B,公开日2014年11月5日。

[5] 周娟,邵士海,唐友喜,夏金祥.一种基于视觉认知的功率控制方法.中国,发明专利,授权号:101917756B,公开日:2013年9月11日。

周娟,沈莹等. 一种降低射频干扰抵消中放大器引入噪声系数的装置,实用新型专利,授权号 ZL 201820912114.7



方向: 5G信号处理、认知无线电、干扰管理等相关算法和应用研究





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