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魏华 副研究员
2017-03-27 16:03     (阅读:)

硕士生导师  魏华  简介







  1. 通信专用集成电路与微电子系统

  2. SOC/SIP系统芯片封装及测试技术

  3. 无线通信技术与应用


  1. 无人机遥测遥感通信技术研究

  2. 无人机数字图传技术研究

  3. 毫米波雷达测距研究

  4. ***********,中央军委科技委国防创新特区项目,项目负责人


  1. 5G 通信算法实现,TD-LTE终端芯片产业化


  1. H. Wei and L. Hanzo, ”Chapter 6: Iterative PIC using Turbo Codes, LDPC codes, TCM and TTCM” of L. Hanzo, L-L. Yang, E-L. Kuan and K. Yen, ”Single- and Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA”, New York, USA: John Wiley, IEEE Press, 2003, pp. 227-250.

  2. H. Wei and L. Hanzo, ”Chapter 14: GA-Assisted Multiuser Detection for MC-CDMA” of L. Hanzo, L-L. Yang, E-L. Kuan and K. Yen, ”Single- and Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA”, New York, USA: John Wiley, IEEE Press, 2003, pp. 433-459.


  1. H. Wei, Y. Huang, J. Du, L. Li,  A Universal MMSE-DFE Equalizer with its Application to WLAN Receiver, Wireless Personal Communications,2015, 10.1007/s11277-015-2917-x (SCI收录)

  2. H. Wei, Y. Huang, T. Zhang, L. Li An Universal MMSE Channel Estimator for OFDM Receiver, Wireless Personal Communications, 1-15, 10.1007/s11277-016-3643-8 (SCI收录)

  3. H. Wei, L-L. Yang and L. Hanzo,”Interference-Free Broadband Single- and Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA”, IEEE Communication Magazine, pp.69-73, Feb, 2005. (SCI 收录)

  4. H. Wei and L. Hanzo,”On the Performance of LAS-CDMA”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 5, May 2006,pp. 1187 – 1196. (SCI 收录)

  5. H. Wei and L. Hanzo, ”On the Uplink Performance of Band-Limited DS-CDMA Over Nakagami-m Channels”,   IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 5, July 2006 pp. 1586 – 1593 (SCI 收录)

  6. H. Wei, L-L. Yang and L. Hanzo,”Downlink Spreading Assisted DS-CDMA Using Interference Rejection Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Volume 55, Issue 6, Nov. 2006 Page(s):1838 – 1847 (SCI 收录)


所在部门: 通信工程学院

职  称: 研究员

出生年月: 19758

电子邮件: weihua@cuit.edu.cn



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