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温述龙 副教授
2023-03-02 09:28     (阅读:)

硕士生导师  温述龙简介



温述龙,男,副教授,生于1987年,博士研究生学历。2019年获西南交通大学材料科学与工程专业博士学位。2020-2022年湖南大学物理与微电子学院物理学流动站博士后,主要从事核聚变堆第一壁材料氧化物/碳化物弥散强化钨基合金(ODS-W)以及材料表面催化特性的第一性原理研究。主持项目包括国家自然科学基金、校人才启动项目。在核聚变Top期刊Nuclear Fusion以及Journal of Alloys and Compounds等发表SCI论文10余篇。现任成都信息工程大学威尼斯432888can(中国)股份有限公司(微电子学院)专任教师职务。









1. Shulong Wen, Huiqiu Deng, et al. Investigation of the W/Y2O3 heterogeneous interface properties and its effect on hydrogen behavior by first-principles calculations[J]. Nuclear Fusion, 2022. 62:086015.Top.

2. Shulong Wen, Kaihui He, Yong Zhao, et al. Migration properties of mono-vacancy in W-4d/5d transition metal alloys[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 728: 363-367. Top

3. Shulong Wen, Huiqiu Deng, et al. First-principles study of interface stability and behaviors of He at the W/Y2O3 interface[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022: 103520.

4. Shulong Wen, Min Pan, Yong Zhao, et al. Ta concentration effect on nucleation of defects in W-Ta alloy from first principles model[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 30: 103071.

5. Shulong Wen, Min Pan, Yong Zhao, et al. Effect of transmutation elements Re and Ta on the vacancy formation and dissociation behaviors in W bulk[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 179: 109624.

6. Shulong Wen, Jiming Chen, Yong Zhao, et al. First-principles study on mono-vacancy self-diffusion and recovery in tungsten crystal[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 109: 569-573.

7. Shulong Wen, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhao, et al. The study of defect structure in tungsten: Rotation and migration property for the self-interstitial atoms[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 124: 1122-1126.

8. Shulong Wen, Zheng Huang, et al. First-principle calculations for the adsorption of neon atom in carbon nanotube doped with boron atom[J]. Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, 2015, 32(2): 241-246.

9. Hong Zhang, ShuLong Wen, Min Pan*, Zheng Huang, Yong Zhao, Xiang Liu, and Ji-Ming Chen, Stability of concentration-related self-interstitial atoms in fusion material tungsten, Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25, 056102.

10. Hongyan Chang, Zheng Huang, Shulong Wen, Ji ming Chen, Xiang Liu, Min Pan*, Yong Zhao, The influence of crystal defects on the elastic properties of tungsten metals, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016, 111:321-325.


电子邮件: slwen@cuit.edu.cn



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